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35+ Funny Quiz Questions and Answers

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It’s time to test yourself with these funny quiz questions! From silly trick questions to fun facts, see how many of these you can get right!

funny quiz questions

Now that it’s starting to get colder and darker as winter draws in, I thought I’d come up with my next online quiz.

From the Ultimate Travel Quiz to my global Countries Quiz, these have been hugely popular with people looking for a bit of escapism. Well, this time I thought I’d do something very different – funny quiz questions and answers.

The whole idea of this quiz is to bring a smile to your face and to make you say “huh, I had absolutely no idea about that…” That means you can expect some pretty weird trivia questions here. I think you’ll be pretty surprised when you find our who composed the music for Sonic the Hedgehog 3!

funny quiz questions and answers
Get ready for these cheeky pub quiz questions!
funny pub quiz questions
These are some of the best funny pub quiz questions around

So, whether you’re planning an online quiz or want to wow your friends with some new knowledge, these are my funny quiz questions. There’s even a fun printable picture round for you.

If you get anywhere near 50% of right, I’ll be very impressed. Right, good luck everyone and enjoy. And don’t forget to smile – this quiz is supposed to be very silly!

If you’re looking for some other fun quizzes to do, then make sure you check out my other site Ultimate Quiz Questions. This site is packed with the world’s best quizzes on every topic, so enjoy!

And if you need a little inspiration or information, check out my other site Fun Facts About. This website is full of interesting facts that’ll blow your mind, so take a look now!

funny trivia questions and answers
Right, who’s ready for a laugh?

20+ Funny Trivia Questions

1. How many times does the average person laugh in a day? (Just think how much you laugh an hour, times that by 16, and you might be around the right number…)

2. What is a Rocky Mountain oyster?

3. How long is New Zealand’s Ninety Mile Beach?

4. What do Americans refer to ‘pizza’ as?

5. How many months have 28 days in them?

6. What is the main ingredient of Bombay Duck?

7. What is the correct term for a question mark immediately followed by an exclamation mark?

8. In which month does the German festival of Oktoberfest mostly take place?

9. Which movie star entered a look-a-like content about himself only to come 3rd in it?

10. What is the collective noun for a group of pandas?

funny general knowledge questions
How adorable are pandas playing together!?

11. Who composed the music for Sonic the Hedgehog 3?

12. Which country do kiwifruit originate from?

13. In Georgia (the state), it’s illegal to eat what with a fork?

14. Which part of his body did musician Gene Simmons from Kiss insure for one million dollars?

15. Who were the first television couple to be shown in bed together on prime-time television?

16. What Benedictine monk invented champagne?

17. In which country are Panama hats made?

18. Which European country has 158 verses to its national anthem?

19. From which country do French fries originate?

20. If you dug a hole through the centre of the earth starting from Spain, which country would you end up in?

funny questions 2021
Just imagine digging around here

21. Which sea creature has three hearts?

22. True or false: You can sneeze in your sleep?

23. The first hockey pucks used in early outdoor hockey games were made of what? (It’s a bit disgusting)

24. Which European country eats the most chocolate per capita?

25. Who famously (and drunkenly) once said: “My dear, you are ugly, but tomorrow I shall be sober, and you will still be ugly.”

26. Which world city has the slogan: “What Happens Here, Stays Here”

27. Only two mammals like spicy food – what are they? (one point for each one)

28. What do the “M’s” in M&Ms stand for? (one point for each one)

Funny quiz: Picture round

funny quiz with answers

So, how many of these funny general knowledge questions do you think you got right? It’s quite hard, right? Hopefully you got a few of them though.

It’s time for the answers. As I said, if you got anywhere near 50% then I’ll be very impressed!

Plan your own quiz night

quiz books

These are a few of my favourite quiz books that I use to plan fun trivia nights with friends:

  1. Ultimate Quiz Night
  2. Quiz Master
  3. The Big Pub Quiz

Funny quiz questions: Answers

1. How many times does the average person laugh in a day? (Just think how much you laugh an hour and you’ll be around the right number). It’s 13! I actually thought it’d be more than that – hopefully some of these funny quiz questions and answers will add to that number!

2. What is a Rocky Mountain oyster? Rocky Mountain oysters (also known as prairie oysters) are a delicacy made from bull testicles. And yes, they are as disgusting as they sound.

3. How long is New Zealand’s Ninety Mile Beach? It’s only 88km, so 55 miles long. Found on the northern tip of the North Island, Ninety Mile Beach is one of the most beautiful beaches in New Zealand – even if you only get to enjoy it for 55 miles.

4. What do Americans refer to ‘pizza’ as? Any of you get this one? It’s pie! The first pizza sold in American was known as a tomato pie, so the name pie stuck.

5. How many months have 28 days in them? All of them! Trick question that one…

interesting quiz questions
Did you know Bombay Duck was a fish dish?

6. What is the main ingredient of Bombay Duck? Okay, so this is a pretty unusual pub quiz question. A Bombay duck is a particularly pungent fish from India.

7. What is the correct term for a question mark immediately followed by an exclamation mark? I love this one – it’s an interrobang. I also use it far too much!?

8. In which month does the German festival of Oktoberfest mostly take place? I would expect every backpacker to get this right – it’s September.

9. Which movie star entered a look-a-like content about himself only to come 3rd in it? Charlie Chaplin. The irony, right?

10. What is the collective noun for a group of pandas? An embarrassment of pandas. How amazing is that one? You’re welcome.

sonic the hedgehog
This question always fascinates me

11. Who composed the music for Sonic the Hedgehog 3? Michael Jackson. One of the more random trivia questions here.

12. Which country do kiwifruit originate from? Even though New Zealand are associated with kiwifruit, it was originally called the Chinese gooseberry, so it originated from China.

13. In Georgia (the state), it’s illegal to eat what with a fork? That would be fried chicken. You have been warned. This is probably my favourite unusual quiz questions that I came across!

14. Which part of his body did musician Gene Simmons from Kiss insure for one million dollars? It was his infamous tongue. I have no idea why… For me, this is such a hilarious quiz question to ask people on trivia night!

15. Who were the first television couple to be shown in bed together on prime-time television? Fred and Wilma Flintstone, that naughty duo.

silly quiz questions
Who knew Fred Flintstone was so naughty!

16. What Benedictine monk invented champagne? Dom Pierre Pérignon. This is one of my favourite trivia questions ever.

17. In which country are Panama hats made? Panama hats are hand-woven in Ecuador by craftsmen hailing from the cities of Cuenca and Montecristi.

18. Which European country has 158 verses to its national anthem? Greece

19. From which country do French fries originate? Even though this is disputed by France and the Netherlands, it’s Belgium who have the biggest claim on the humble French fry.

20. If you dug a hole through the centre of the earth starting from Spain, which country would you end up in? New Zealand. It might take you a bit of time though.

weird trivia questions for adults
Octopi aren’t just clever, they also have 3 hearts!

21. Which sea creature has three hearts? Octopus.

22. True or false: You can sneeze in your sleep? That one is false I’m afraid!

23. The first hockey pucks used in early outdoor hockey games were made of what? Frozen cow dung. It kinda makes sense, doesn’t it?

24. Which European country eats the most chocolate per capita? Switzerland

25. Who famously (and drunkenly) once said: “My dear, you are ugly, but tomorrow I shall be sober, and you will still be ugly.” That was Winston Churchill with that wicked quip. I always think this is such a hilarious quiz question that comes up a lot!

funny picture quiz with answers
Churchill came out with some killer one-liners

26. Which world city has the slogan: “What Happens Here, Stays Here”. Sin City itself, Las Vegas.

27. Only two mammals like spicy food – what are they? (one point for each one) Humans and the legendary tree shrew. If I’m ever reincarnated, I want to come back as the tree shrew.

28. What do the “M’s” in M&Ms stand for? (one point for each one) Forrest Mars and Bruce Murrie, the two businessmen who created the candy-coated chocolates.

Rude quiz questions: Picture round answers

funny quiz with answers

1. Kumquat

2. Aubergine (just because…)

3. Physalis

4. Proboscis monkey

5. Dumbo octopus (it’s cute, isn’t it!?)

6. Whoopi Goldberg

7. Donald Trump

8. Lady Gaga

9. Spotted Dick (a traditional English pudding for those of you who don’t know)

10. Hobnobs

fun quiz questions and answers general knowledge
How did you get on with these fun quiz questions and answers?

In total there are 40 points up for grabs. The question is, how many did you get? You can let me know in the comments below!

Did you enjoy my fun quiz questions for adults? If so, make sure you share it with your friends and family! Test them and see how they do. I bet you can beat them though.

And don’t forget you can take the Ultimate Travel Quiz, the Ultimate Countries Quiz, and test yourself on these tricky USA Trivia Questions too. If you enjoyed these trivia questions, then you’ll love these other quizzes too.

Also, make sure you check out our other quizzes about Great Britain and England over on the Great British Bucket List. They’re really enjoyable too!

Plan your own quiz night

quiz books

These are a few of my favourite quiz books that I use to plan fun trivia nights with friends:

  1. Ultimate Quiz Night
  2. Quiz Master
  3. The Big Pub Quiz

About the Author

  • macca sherifi

    Macca Sherifi is the founder of the multiple award-winning blogs An Adventurous World and the Great British Bucket List. Every month he inspires over 200,000 avid readers to travel the world.

    View all posts

14 thoughts on “35+ Funny Quiz Questions and Answers”

  1. I love these questions. For number 11 though, Michael Jackson actually only composed a few songs on the Sonic 3 album. We don’t specifically know which ones, but Carnival Night Zone and Launch Base Zone are dead giveaways with the sample sounds used. Also, the ending theme was literally used later on as Stranger in Moscow. But the rest of the songs were done by different people.

  2. Brilliant thank you! Exactly what I needed as suddenly been told I am doing a charity quizz on Wednesday !
    I am presuming i dont have to double check the answers as you have done the research….!!

    • That’s awesome to hear Robbo! It genuinely brought a smile to my face as I am a massive quiz nerd too!


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